Portfolio Project

Lifeproof / Otterbox Headquarters & Test Labs

Client occupied multi-phase tenant improvement, including demolition and reconstruction of 17,000 sf high-end office, showroom and R&D facility for electronics industry veteran. Scope required complete demolition to shell conditions for all areas, then build out of office and audio laboratory with anechoic chamber, testing laboratory for electronic devices and tool and technical area for C&C machine and 3-D printer. Work required extensive research of existing electrical and communications systems to ensure that no portions of occupied areas were interrupted during construction. This project mandated critical barriers, demanding pre-planning and schedule interface with client and their ongoing laboratory efforts. With the environment in mind, 81% of the project’s demolition and construction debris was diverted from landfill for recycle and repurpose.

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4760 Mission Gorge Pl Ste A, SD CA 92120
VOIP (619) 810-0002
E-Fax (619) 810-0502
Lic No 955151

An image of floorplan for a building construction

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